Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Family and Life Span Issues (Chpt. 15)

Attachment styles are a significant part of our lives. They are related to how we cope with conflict, behave nonverbally, fall in love, and form satisfying relationships. There are three kinds of attachment styles. Secure, who are comfortable with intimacy and closeness, Avoidant, who do not trust others and are independent, and Anxious/ambivalent, who are fairly comfortable with closeness but are afraid of abandonment or rejection. I believe that these attachment styles are similar to babies. I learned in a class about how babies react to mothers and fathers in these types of styles. I wonder if the babies exhibit a certain kind when they are little, if it continues into adulthood?


Auntie2-3 said...

After reading your blog I thought back to when my youngest brother was a baby. He was very attached to my mom and I. Now, 13 years later, he's still very close with my mom but not so much me. He likes to hang out with me but he doesn't show the same affection towards me that he once did. I think part of that is because of his age but it will definitely be interesting to see if, in another 10 years, he's still really close to my mom and/or myself.

goofy said...

I liked what you said about attachment styles because I do a lot of babysitting and helped out at a daycare facility and i remember plenty of children going through different attachment phases. There was one boy in particular who I babysat, where I would come over to baby-sit and he would never cry. He would just sit there and play. When he hit around 2 years old, he would cry for a few minutes because he wanted his mom. I had to sit there and comfort him so he would be ok. When his mom returned, he would get happy and go right to her. It was funny because he would be playful when it was just me and him, but he would get extra playful when his mom returned.