Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Maintaining Relationships (Chpt. 10)

This chapter is fascinating to me because I love reading about relationships, especially romantic relationships. The different love styles and ways were really interesting to read and think about how my relationship with my husband fits. The martial typology was interesting as well. There are three primary kinds: Traditional, Separate, and Independent. From reading the definitions I know my husband and I are traditional. I took his last name, I maintain the house and cook dinner etc. Interestingly though I enjoy doing the "wifely duties. I find a certain security in this role. I much rather do the chores then be in the corporate world working 12 hour days anytime.


Carmen said...

I agree with you that this chapter is very interesting. I to love reading about relationships and what makes relationships work or fail and everything that goes into having a relationship. The different love styles are very interesting. I liked the three primary kinds traditional, separate, and independent. Most likely when I am to get married I will probably be the traditional type since I seem to be so traditional in everything else that I do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that chapter 10 is very interesting, and I learned so much about relationships and love styles from the reading. I think it is great that you and your husband both have the same definition of marriage, which is traditional marriage. Although my boyfriend and I are not married yet, I think we may be a mixed couple.

Mix couple means that both partners have different definitions of marriage. My boyfriend is more traditional; he thinks I should take his last name if we get married, and he also thinks that I shouldn’t work; I should just stay at home and take care of the children. There is certainly nothing wrong with doing “wifely duties” as you said, and I think it is great that you enjoy doing them. However, I wish I can have a great success in my career, and I want to keep my last name. Even though there may be many conflicts due to the different concepts we have, I think we can still be happy as long as we respect each others’ ideas and reach a mutual agreement.

- Ruby

Danishgris said...

Being a wife is a huge task itself. So you should be proud to be able to maintain a whole household by your self.

My parents’ relationship is also very traditional. My mom does everything at home. She does the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and raising children by her self. My dad (recently) just started to do the dishes, but this is only if the dishes are very small. Though, he never cleans the house, cooking, or laundry. But I also know that my mom enjoys to do her wifely duties like you. It is part of being a woman, right?

boyd013 said...

This chapter was a good one. Kudos on the way you handle your work. It is nice to know that you have your own resposibilities and you do them. I have the idea that if i do mine and you do yours things will work. it becomes a problem when people deligate duties to the over person causeing a dominance to emerge. But the styles of love is funny because they state only three. They talk about how complex love is to define but they can explain it in three theories. Oddly enough the traditional way is how most people i know act. In a society that focuses so much on individuals it is funny that a lot of people still take certain roles.