Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Escalating Relationships (Chpt. 9)

When this chapter talks about attitude similarity, I totally agree. It says that people tend to be attracted to others who are similar called homogamy, however the phrase "opposites attract" is true as well. The conclusion is that we share similarities in our attitudes, beliefs, and values, but can be opposite in our interpersonal needs. My husband and I do share similar beliefs and values in life, but we are opposite in many ways that actually balance and complement the other. He is more outgoing, optimistic, and a dreamer. I on the other hand am more of the realist. I like to plan things out and be in control. We definitely balance each other.


Carmen said...

The concept of homogamy is very interesting. The phrase opposites attract seem to be true for m e as well. In my last relationship the guy and I were completely opposite in our day to day activities and what we enjoyed doing. But we also had very similar upbringings and always had interesting stories to tell each other. He was a few years older and hadn’t attended college right after high school so he always had all these stories to tell me about what he did and they were things that I would never do as well as even imagine but as you said we balanced each other out.

Auntie2-3 said...

Caligirl, I agree with you when you say opposites attract. Although I am single and have yet to find my match, I witness this with other relationships around me and in several of my close friendships. For example, my parents are very much opposites. My mom was the party-girl/social butterfly growing up and my dad was a bookworm. Although my mom was a cheerleader and my dad a football player that seemed to be one of the only things that appeared to be common from the outside looking in. As they got to know one another, they realized they came from VERY different backgrounds but wanted to create the same future for themselves and their future children. I guess it is true that opposites attract but are we all really as "opposite" of one another as we think?