Thursday, June 19, 2008


I thought it was so awesome how the book broke down what people do when they get embarrassed. Evasion has the majority at 28%. People would simply pretend nothing happened, change the topic, or ignore it. 17% engaged in remediation meaning correcting or cleaning up the problem. Also making a humorous joke reduced feelings of embarrassment 17% of the time as well. Apologies ranked 14%, flight like escaping the scene at 9% and excuses at 8% were used when people were embarrassed. I have been embarrassed quite a few times and I have probably used every one at one point. I know if I am ever on the other side of the situation, I try to make the person feel better like “that has happened to me” or a story that makes them feel less embarrassed. I find that laughing at your self is the best way to get over it!


boyd013 said...

okay i was going to comment on somethin else but I really like how you talked about your way of dealing with another persons embarrassing situation. I too help out the person (if it is someone I like. I will then tell a story about how it happened to me or just say "hey it happenes sometimes". I am not really a big fan of laughing at the person because I can not judge that person when the exact something has happened to me at some point in my life. I think that would also fall into the FACE topic. People are just worried about they are going to be looked at by others.

kcee said...

I will admit that I have used every single one of those also while embarassed.Although I do tend to make fun of myself more often after doing something embarassing. For instance a couple years ago back in high school a friend and myself were walking to class and as we were walking up a set of stairs I totally missed a step and landed on my hands and knees. Only a couple people saw this right outside of class but afterwards I told everybody about and just laughed at myself before anyone could tell someone and laugh at me.