Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Disclosing the Self (Chpt. 7)

I never really thought about timing in disclosing personal information in a conversation. Researchers say those who typically reveal personal information immediately in the conversation are seen as immature or fake, rather than those who disclose some a couple of minutes in. Thinking back there have been times when talking to a stranger or acquaintance and they would blurt personal information out, whether negative or positive in the first couple of seconds of the conversation. It always seemed awkward and random and my perception of them altered when this would happen. I guess timing and tactfulness are important when it comes to self-disclosure.


Gian said...

A lot of people have trust problems. Some people whom I've met, once you drop a disclosure card, they immediately dump a lot of disclosure cards on me. My perception of the person is easily influenced by their action of quick disclosure. It's overwhelming and unexpected. I try not to judge them, but when you get overwhelmed with a lot of personal information, you become vulnerable and easier to judge. I've learned better and have come to enjoy listening to people's stories however. I guess it's because I've had it happen to me a lot.

Auntie2-3 said...

Absolutely! Timing is key. There's nothing more awkward than meeting someone and having them tell you something that you might not share for a few months let alone a few moments. Some people are comfortable revealing a lot about themselves. I personally, am not. I'm a little more reserved or some might say, shy. I agree with you when you say, that your perception of them is altered after hearing about something a little too personal.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that timing of disclosing personal information is very important. If someone I just met tells me very personal information that people usually don’t disclose when they first meet, I would feel awkward too. Therefore, this may seem to be inappropriate in this situation. It may also seem random because the personal information he/she disclose doesn’t relate much to the topic in our previous conversation. Like you. I had never thought about the timing of disclosing personal information before. However, after reading this chapter, I began to think that I should consider if the timing is appropriate when I disclose personal information. If the timing is not right when I disclose personal information, I would make others feel awkward and uncomfortable too.

- Ruby